Dr. phil. Maéva Clément
Fachbereich 1: Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften
49074 Osnabrück
Raum: 15/403
Sprechzeiten: siehe Terminvergabe im Profil
Tel.: 4620
E-Mail: maeva.clement@uni-osnabrueck.de
Wintersemester 2024/25
- Einführung in die Terrorismusforschung
Gendering Peace
Conflict Issues in Contemporary Societes
Forschungsgebiete/Research interests
- peace and conflict studies
- international relations
- international political theory
- interdisciplinary emotion research
- (armed) non-state-actors in world politics
- political violence and terrorism research
- qualitative and mixed-methods research
Forschungsprojekte/Research projects
Terrorism and the public(s): Reactions to terrorist attacks and escalation dynamics
Post-Doc project (since June 2019)
Systematic, comparative research on the relationship between terrorist activities and multiple public(s) is a key research gap at the intersection of political science, communication studies, and social psychology. The few existing studies hardly problematize who is included/excluded from “the public”, thus potentially equating “public opinion” with media or elite discourses. There is also hardly any research on the impact of public opinions’ reactions to terrorism on local and transnational (violent) extremist groups.
This project tackles the issue both ways. The overall goals of the project are (1) to contextualize the larger radicalization dynamics within contemporary European societies, and (2) to investigate escalation dynamics within extremist organizations and milieus. In a longer-term perspective, the project analyzes reciprocal escalation dynamics and what might mitigate them. The project results are especially relevant for political communication about terrorism and current debates about societal “resilience” in Europe.
Two-year research grant acquired in May 2019 through a competitive process as part of the Helmut-Schmidt-University's "Internal Research Funding" frame. Funding actually claimed: July-September 2019 (before starting at the University of Osnabrück)Collective Emotions in Political Violence
PhD project (2013-2019)
Thesis title: Islamist organizations in Western Europe: The role of collective emotions in group radicalization processes
My doctoral research focused on the role of narratives and emotions in radicalization processes at the group level. While emotion and narrative are both characteristic of human activity in general, they become particularly visible around political conflicts. Much like other political actors, Islamist organizations tell political narratives to cast their struggle in morally, politically, culturally and esthetically appealing ways. But what happens when political actors advocate and/or engage in violence? What changes at the narrative level?
In my thesis, I showed that Islamic extremist groups draw extensively on a common narrative, whose form, content, and repetitive character has made politically relevant. I argued that, through narrative activity, radicalizing groups perform, sanction and institutionalize specific collective emotions, which in turn have important consequences on the legitimation of and mobilization for political violence. However, such processes are complex and ambiguous, and not all groups perform collective emotions similarly or as intensely. These insights have important consequences for the scholarship on group radicalization processes as well as for practitioners’ prevention work.
Mitarbeit an Forschungsprojekten/Participation in research projects
(Non-)Recognition of Armed Non-State Actors: Risks and Opportunities for Conflict Transformation
with Anna Geis and Hanna Pfeifer (Helmut-Schmidt-University)
Funding acquired from the German Foundation for Peace Research (DSF) for the organization of an international conference, which took place in June 2018 at the HSU in Hamburg. The conference report can be found here. An edited volume drawing on the conference findings will be published by Manchester University Press in 2020.
Women in Countering Violent Extremism
Project conducted by the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI), London (2015-2016)
Project in France under the coordination of Milena Uhlmann. Participation in the organization and conduct of focus group interviews in Toulouse and Paris (Nov. 2015-Jan. 2016).
The published study by RUSI's Emily Winterbotham and Elizabeth Pearson, entitled "Different Cities, Shared Stories: A Five-Country Study Challenging Assumptions Around Muslim Women and CVE Interventions" can be found here.
Beruflicher Werdegang/Work experience
Seit dem 1. September 2019: Akademische Rätin, Fachgebiet Internationale Beziehungen und Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, Universität Osnabrück
2016-2019: Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Fachgebiet Internationale Sicherheitspolitik und Konfliktforschung, Helmut-Schmidt-Universität/Universität der Bundeswehr in Hamburg
2016: Lehrbeauftragte (SoSe), Technische Universität Darmstadt, Institut für Politikwissenschaft
2016: Gastwissenschaftlerin, Exzellenzcluster „Die Herausbildung normativer Ordnungen“, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main (März-Mai)
2015-2016: Lehrbeauftragte (WiSe), Université Versailles Saint-Quentin, Institut für Politikwissenschaft
2014-2016: Lehrbeauftragte (WiSe), Sciences Po Paris
2013-2015: Attachée Temporaire d'Enseignement et de Recherche (entspricht einer WiMi-Stelle in Vollzeit), Université d’Artois, France
2019 Promotion, Dr. phil., Goethe Universität-Frankfurt
2010 Master International Relations, Université Paris I Sorbonne
2010 Bachelor & Master in Political Science, Sciences Po Lyon
2009 Zusatzdiplom „European Studies“, Sciences Po Lyon/Université Lyon 2
Auszeichnungen und Stipendien/Awards and grants
2019-2021: bewilligte Forschungsförderung, Projekt "Terrorism and the public(s)", Helmut-Schmidt-Universität Hamburg
2016: Fellowship des Excellenzclusters „Die Herausbildung normativer Ordnungen“, Goethe Universität Frankfurt
2015-2017: Dreijähriges Reisestipendium der Deutsch-Französischen Hochschule (DFH), Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
2014-2016 Auszeichnung der Region Île-de-France, Feldforschungsstipendium, Université Versailles Saint-Quentin
Herausgeberschaften/Edited work
Geis, A., Clément, M., Pfeifer, H. (eds.), 2020. Armed Non-State Actors and the Politics of Recognition. Manchester: Manchester University Press. (under contract)
Clément, M., Sangar, E., 2018. Researching Emotions in International Relations: Methodological Perspectives on the Emotional Turn. London/New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
– Rezension/Review: Yorke, C., 2018. Researching emotions in International Relations: Methodological perspectives on the emotional turn, International Affairs 94 (3): 657–658. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1093/ia/iiy069
Lindemann, T., Clément M. (eds.), 2015. Introduction : Les politiques de prévention des guerres dans les crises internationales. Dynamiques Internationales 10: 1-18. (special issue)
Zeitschriftenartikel/Peer-reviewed articles
Clément, M., Lindemann T., Sangar, E., 2017. The „Hero-Protector Narrative“: Manufacturing Emotional Consent for the Use of Force. Political Psychology. Online at: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/pops.12385/abstract
Lindemann, T., Clément M., 2015. Introduction : Les politiques de prévention des guerres dans les crises internationales. Dynamiques Internationales 10: 1-18.
Clément, M., 2014. Al-Muhajiroun in the United Kingdom: The Role of International Non-Recognition in Heightened Radicalization Dynamics. Global Discourse 4(4): 428-443.
— Rezension/Review: Jarvis, L., 2014. Terrorism, Discourse and Analysis Thereof: A Reply to Clément, Global Discourse 4(4): 444-445.
Beiträge in Sammelbänden/Chapters in edited volumes
Clément, M., Sangar, E., 2020. Les engagements violents des femmes : contournements discursifs sous le nazisme et sous l’État islamique, in L. Aubry, G. Patiño-Lakatos, B. Turpin (eds.), Les discours meurtriers aujourd'hui, Paris: Peter Lang. (under review)
Sangar, E., Clément, M., Lindemann, T., 2018. Of Heroes and Cowards: A Computer-Based Analysis of Narratives Justifying the Use of Force, in Clément, M., Sangar, E. (eds), Researching Emotions in International Relations. London/New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Clément, M., Sangar, E., 2018. Introduction: Methodological Challenges and Opportunities for the Study of Emotions, in Clément, M., Sangar, E. (eds), Researching Emotions in International Relations. London/New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Clément, M. 2016. Zwischen Banalisierung und Dramatisierung. Zum Medialen Diskurs über Salafismus in Frankreich, in J.Biene und J.Junk (eds.), Salafismus und Dschihadismus in Deutschland. Herausforderungen für Politik und Gesellschaft, Epubli: Frankfurt/Main, p. 91-98.
Sonstige Publikationen/Other publications
Clément, M., Sangar, E., 2018. L'engagement violent féminin: Contournements discursifs sous le nazisme et sous l'État Islamique, MRSH Caen/France Culture: Full audio of a talk given at Cerisy, July 27, 46"51 minutes. Online at: MRSH Caen websiteClément, M., 2018. Political Leadership and Emotions, International Society of Political Psychology, ISPP Spring theme. Online at: ISPP Blog
Clément, M., 2013. Radicalisation violente islamique : le rôle des émotions dans le nexus non-respect – propension à la mobilisation violente, Presentation at the 12th Conference of the French Political Science Association (AFSP). Online at: AFSP 2013